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ONLINE CONTINUING EDUCATION SERVICES.      TDLR Provider #1887 | Course # 20336

What Does an Esthetician Do?

Careers as an esthetician are available in spas, salons, and resorts.  Generally speaking, estheticians (or skin care specialists) perform skin care treatments, facials, and waxing.  As an esthetician, you can choose to open your own salon to provide these services or work for an established salon. Additionally, you could also work in cosmetology marketing, purchasing or beauty consulting. You can even pursue a career as a paramedical esthetician in the medical community.  

Estheticians working at salons or spas may offer body wraps and European facials. Additional services include; pore cleansing, exfoliating treatments, skin analysis, and aromatherapy.  You can also train in more areas of skin care to be able to recognize skin problems. Additional training may allow you to evaluate the skin using special equipment, such as magnifying lamps.  As with any other cosmetology career, you must complete the required training and examinations. After, you will get a license from your state cosmetology board.   

How to Renew Your Esthetician/Cosmetology License Online?

Renewing youresthetician/cosmetology license online is simple. However, you should check your state's requirements to understand their online renewal options.  Typically, states require renewal every two years, but this could differ state-to-state.  Cosmo Training can assist those employed in Texas and holding a Texas state business license to renew your license through their website.  The cost to renew in Texas is $53, every two years. There are late fees, so be sure to apply for renewal early enough to avoid those fees.  Renewal charges also vary from state to state, check with your state to get the most up-to-date info.  Some states, Texas included, even require a certain number of hours of continuing education in order to renew your license. 

For only $19.99, Cosmo Training offers a 4-hour course to satisfy the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation continuing education requirement, including training in human trafficking.  They even offer an “enroll now, pay later” incentive. This 4-hour course package includes one hour in sanitation and three hours in various other topics pertaining to your field of practice.  Don't worry about studying for an exam or getting a passing score. This course is only graded as a completion. Cosmo Training will upload your completion status within 24 hours of completing the course.  Cosmo Training is your one-stop website for meeting Texas’s esthetician license renewal requirements.   

Date Created : 03/11/2019
